Inclusive Excellence | Sacred Heart University Previously PY 0222. The course emphasizes the connection between historical periods and the music of jazz: America's original art music. Much attention will be paid to those voices often left out of the master narrative of American religion for reason of race, gender, ethnicity, class, or even peculiarity. As the VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at The Women . Director of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Program Coordinator Diversity Programming. Dear Members of the Fairfield University Community: Over the last few weeks, I have been sharing with you thoughts about the global pandemic and our Universitys response to the ongoing challenges we have faced as a learning community, as we adapt to these circumstances. The Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs supports a wide variety of diverse and affinity clubs that allow students to be engaged outside of the classroom. The 2,018 square feet home is a 4 bed 3 bath property. MGMT 4320Diversity in the Workplace3 Credits. Students then begin to formulate interpretations that move between the formal, technical composition of films and the concrete socio-historic and cultural reality to which each film refers. Fairfield recognizes the importance of learning about, and living in, an increasingly interconnected, intercultural world and reflects this by striving to become a microcosm of the global community, in which the other is unconditionally welcomed, respected, and valued. In these ways, Fairfield University strives for themagis (the more) in a way that defines modern Jesuit Catholic education. Join the Fairfield community Wednesday, March 22 to celebrate our ninth annual STAGiving Day!This tradition brings together the Stag community as One Fairfield for One Day to support student scholarships, innovative research, athletics, diversity and inclusion, spirituality, service, and so much more.. Last year, Fairfield students, alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends set a new . Beginning with colonization in Africa and representations of the Middle Passage, the course covers historical topics such as enslavement and the plantation system, abolition movements, migration within and out of the Caribbean, resistance movements, the Harlem Renaissance, and independence struggles. Previously EN 0118. Fairfield University believes that when people feel valued, respected, and empowered, they work together for the common good. 4 jobs using the terms 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' to view and apply for now with The Chronicle of Higher Education Jobs | by Relevance. These places are emphasized as sharing overlapping concerns with the US, based on geography, common histories, and patterns of migration. . Reflection, We are brokenhearted, sickened, and outraged to watch another video of an African American man being killed before our very eyes. We will trace the corporeal, visual, spoken word, literary, and musical antecedents to and manifestations of hip-hop in American cultural. As we study the Atlantic world and globalization across several centuries, we will examine cultural syncretism, commodity culture rooted in the Triangle Trade, and creative endeavors in literature and the arts (painting and sculpture, film, music, dance, theatre). Dr. Nemec shares some reflections on the importance of honoring June 19 as an annual University holiday. How Much Does Fairfield University Cost? Established in 1994, the Center for Judaic Studies was developed to enrich Fairfields intellectual, cultural, and spiritual life with Judaism through lectures, programs, and other special events that serve the broader community. We examine how many writers have challenged their contemporaries to become aware of important issues - race, women's rights, Native American activism, the environment, war, and poverty. This course offers an interdisciplinary introduction to the African Diaspora, incorporating texts from Africa, the Caribbean, North America, and Europe. The course does so by assessing whether or not the contemporary Hip Hop movement can overcome the barriers of race, class, and gender. We strive to educate through engaging with the broadest possible range of dynamic ideas, perspectives, and identities in an ever-changing world. Available to all students regardless of their major, the minor in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) was designed for students who are passionate about social justice. Previously EN 0172. Less Diverse More Diverse The undergraduate student body is split among 20 states (may include Washington D.C.). PSYC 2220Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, UDIV U.S. Diversity. SOCI 1135Race, Gender, and Ethnic Relations3 Credits, Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, ASSO American Studies: Sociology, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, BSSS Black Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, SPEL Sports Media Elective, UDIV U.S. Diversity, WSGC Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Component. Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, ENDE Digital Journalism Elective, GDFT Graphic Design: Film and Television, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, MWAC Magis Core: Writing Across Curriculum, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course. Fairfield University Office of Student Engagement offers a number of programs and services to students including Safe Space Program, Ally Network, Veteran Support, Academic Immersion and Cura Personalis Mentoring Program. And how do they represent the increasingly diversified cultural and social landscape of contemporary China? The goal of the minor is to provide students with the economics and social justice knowledge to work effectively in any organization in pursuit of DEI goals. We look forward to his contributions as we continue to advance the Universitys Jesuit Catholic commitment to creating and supporting radical hospitality and inclusive excellence in our teaching, learning, scholarship, and service.. Dedicated weekly screenings create the theatrical experience for which these films were intended. Tufts has always aimed to be inclusive. Previously RS 0101B. SOCI 1150Introduction to International Migration3 Credits, Attributes: BSCC Black Studies Component Course, BSSS Black Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, HACA Humanitarian Action Minor Context Course, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, WDIV World Diversity. A team of science and mathematics faculty members has been awarded a prestigious grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to transform the introductory experience for STEM students, with the goal of improving retention and success for all students, especially for students of color and others who have been traditionally excluded from these disciplines. Previously EN 0101. As widespread violence and unrest grip the United States over the killing of yet another unarmed African-American man, the countrys Catholic bishops condemn the act saying, racism has been tolerated for too long. We will investigate why people produce and exchange things, why they seek to amass things in some circumstances and give them away in others, and how our modern understandings of value, debt, and rationality emerged. This course introduces human genetics to the non-science major. PHIL 2267(De)Colonizing the Human3 Credits, Attributes: BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective. Previously AY 0168. ENGL 1330African American Literary Tradition3 Credits, Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, ENAM American Literature, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, UDIV U.S. Diversity. ENGL 1300Literature by Women: Vision and Revision3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, ENAM American Literature, ENBR British Literature, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused. The history of the death penalty and its contemporary status in the U.S. is explored. How can we provide a non-Eurocentric explanation of the rise of the modern world that has European and American features? We will investigate why people produce and exchange things, why they seek to amass things in some circumstances and give them away in others, and how our modern understandings of value, debt, and rationality emerged. Previously AH 0102. Previously FTM 0103. Further, students will explore how elements of black religious life, from preaching style to music to liturgy to religious thought, have left an indelible mark upon American and Caribbean religious cultures and traditions. SPAN 4359Culture, Civilization, and Literature in the Spanish-American Caribbean Region3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, LCSC LACS Minor: Spanish Culture and Literature, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, WDIV World Diversity. This course follows the emergence of this concept from the political and ethical thought of the Greeks, to the Enlightenment, to the explicit formulation of "human rights" in the 20th century as a guiding principle of international relations. RLST 1601Religion in the United States3 Credits, Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, ASRS American Studies: Religion, CARS Catholic Studies: Religious Studies, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, RSST Religious Studies Major Track, UDIV U.S. Diversity. Course readings and assignments focus on Brazil, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, among others. AHST 1165African-American Art3 Credits, Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, ASVP American Studies: Visual and Performing Arts, BSAH Black Studies: Arts and Humanities, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, GDAH Graphic Design: Art History, UDIV U.S. Diversity, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course. The course examines how different Muslims approached the concepts as well as how those concepts were applied to or imposed upon particular Muslim communities. Bretton Hunchak '09 oversees stewardship of the world's . The Office of Student Diversity Programs & Multicultural Affairs serves the University community by providing support and activities for students that enhance their overall experience and knowledge in respect to the rich diversity and culture that exists at Fairfield and in our global society. Mark Your Calendars and Make a Plan for STAGiving Day, March 22 This survey course examines the development of African American literature from the late eighteenth century to the present, with a focus on issues of literacy, authority, and identity. In 2018 Warde students traveled to San Diego to share the progressive work they are doing through their Identity and Education Conference, and on-going work in FPS schools. This course is a survey of Muslim life and religious movements connected to Islam in North America. Several concepts and global issues are explored, among which the physical environment, conflict, inequality, global interconnectedness, and the movement of goods and people across borders are central. A final project asks students to consider ways to raise awareness about a social issue at the University or in the larger community. Ophelie Rowe-Allen and Stephanie Burrell Storms are contributing authors, "Enhancing EDI Initiatives through Academic and . Students will be introduced to different art historical approaches and vocabulary used to study art from each of these areas. The course explores recent work in anthropology, economics, and sociology using culture and/or inequality as a lens through which to view various issues in contemporary social theory. Fairfield University Magazine - Spring 2021 - Issuu Fairfield University community members share a commitment to inquiry and discernment, and a determination to serve as global citizens supporting the dignity and essential human rights of all persons. This course examines the economy from philosophical and anthropological perspectives. Available to all students regardless of their major, the minor in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) was designed for students who are passionate about social justice. This course explores the long tradition of non-violent social protest in American literature. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Minor < Fairfield University Learn More About Affinity Clubs What sociological factors influence clemency decisions? Previously EN 0105. This course allows questions to be framed, and answers sought, with regard to the challenge of diversity in the work environment. The Black Studies program was established in 1995 to provide students with a comprehensive study of the origins and experiences of people of African descent and explores the social, political, and economic roots of contemporary problems by examining them in the context of the wider world. The office works with student organizations, faculty, and other University offices to further integrate diversity into developmental and social programs for students. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program Coordinator, University of Previously CI 0250. Students complete exams, oral presentations, written papers, and a final paper. Cultures designated by their geographical locations will provide a frame of study for African visual culture. The historical experience of Black Muslims serves as a recurring case study. Previously EN 0133. Counselor-On-Call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, call Public Safety at 203-254-4090. Vice President of Marketing and Communications ext. Fairfields vibrant community welcomes all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability/disability status, religion, and tradition. Topics of discussion include the structure and function of genes, modes of inheritance, gene editing, sex and gender, race, and human genetic diversity. What is Fairfield University doing to build a diverse workforce? Art of Caribbean islands and the influence of the African diaspora will be explored. Diversity can be defined as all the characteristics which differentiate us as individuals as well as all the characteristics which make us alike. RLST 2662Afro-Caribbean and African American Religions: Shout, O Children! The Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs supports a wide variety of diverse and affinity clubs that allow students to be engaged outside of the classroom. The course highlights collections of Asian art at Yale University and in New York City, incorporating special exhibitions of East Asian art relevant to the course. Fairfield University Upward Bound is a federally funded program for college-bound high school students that provides low income, potential first-generation college students with the tools necessary to access postsecondary education. This course will familiarize students with basic and applied social psychological research on stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and minority experience. With a special emphasis on the public speeches and work of Martin Luther King, Jr., this course will consider the role black religious leaders, institutions, culture played in shaping the modern Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s. We explore essential questions related to difference that all human societies have encountered over time. Apply to Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Faculty, Academic Advisor and more! HIST 1146Women's History as U.S. History3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, UDIV U.S. Diversity, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused. This study of transatlantic, post-1800 literature by women will adopt Virginia Woolf's notion that "books continue each other." This course analyzes the writings of leading social and political thinkers, with special consideration of the movements of protest and dissent. . A Candlelight Vigil of Remembrance for All Victims of RacismJune 7, 2020, A reflection from President Mark R. Nemec, A Message from University President Mark R. Nemec, PhD.

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fairfield university diversity and inclusion

fairfield university diversity and inclusion