simply because the need their king of men to be straight? What I saw in all the Fotos and videos from the last couple of days: Every Sam greeting the audience shouts: Mary! He's not only working out at EDA in the past year he has posted pics of another gym in Glasgow. Gee - so IG is removing the 'following activity' tab, and no longer showing account likes, followers and comments. Fleecing them for every $ he can, while he can. He showed up at the LandCon in Paris in a disturbing unprofessional way with his three day worn jeans, his wtf uncleanless, not dressing well for the female! One that made me giggle a lit bit, but also sit up, was a woman said something like, "Ooof. I got this in a DM! But he left it very, very late in the day for objecting, and then he targetted a relatively mild fan poster who just added "Still Hot" to publicly available photographs, and she felt obliged to shut down her twitter account. Fact is, it's the troll who's the blatant homophobe; she knows Heughan is a closeted man pushing 40 with no hetero relationship history, who was openly gay during his London theater years. I'm all for people doing well in their business ventures, good luck to them, but he really does seem to be veering a bit to kitsch. r533 Yeh, a useful step up. You are always welcome Jennifer Allen :-). $$ 20 is expensive. Far more likely that they are just good mates (and he needs them - HW can be a very lonely place) rather than any 'gf', but of course it doesn't hurt the hetero image he wants. R479 Skelton is annoying AF. A cap and ticket machine could be found somewhere. As for a 'screencap', wth is that? Much to my surprise I thought he looked kinda sexy in the suit he wears for Bloodshot. Paul co-starred with Dahl's wife, Patricia Neal, in Hud in 1963. So for the moment it seems that it's no time/ no personal life - better than laughable beards at least. A couple of days ago she liked Katheryn Winnick to be by his side - can't have the Magical Golden Dirk staying zipped, can she? Removing a mole like the one on Sam's face is a complex procedure requiring plastic surgery and healing time. SH/JA really needs to make the hetero innuendo a little less predictable. Siri, what happened to the Village People? She has the best potential to age gracefully. Her facebook page can be accessed through Google - sweptawaybybooks. closeting , he has made to further his career. Might have reached a wider audience if it wasn't this expensive but then the tartan scarfs are expensive too(at least they are handwoven). sgian dubhs? If Sam comes out while Outlander is still on - mobs of menopausal and post-menopausal women carrying pitchforks would suddenly appear in the streets. [quote]Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot. And we are still here, bigger + better than ever. (JA, OL fans, buyers of his products, casting agents, whoever he is dealing with on a particular day). Sounds fantastic. Meanwhile it's hetero image front and centre. Don't think this can be stated often enough. And having People magazine pick the IG post up and run with it, adding the 'loving' banter from Balfe about his Saturn win, and throwing in a link to an old, old quiz video to underline that they don't know each other very well and are not together (he's finally given up on that innuendo although he slobbered on as long as he could - it was great cover). Wake up, ladies and listen to what gay actors and athletes themselves say about the intense pressure they are placed under. Heughan wants viewers to expect lots of drama in Season 5? [R560] Could the mystery woman be his American agent ? Why do you even care about me enough to research my archives? Theres a parachute). He does spend rather a lot of time flirting with Tobias Menzies , you almost wonder if he had some sort of crush on him. Heughan has advertised on his IG stories that he's going to the British Luxury Awards in London 18 Nov. Dunhill is up for an award, so more shilling coming up - gotta maintain that brand! The physical touching and closeness of his body is being exchanged for a girlfriend or beard. By two Russian fans. Sorry, cant link to photo, but its starting to make the rounds. Maybe SH doesn't really care knowing that the cultists will worship him anyway, but not sure that aging pussy hound is the image JA was going after. Bizarre photo opportunities with the star can be negotiated privately The production will feature numerous, steamy, bottom baring, dry humping sex scenes between Macbeth and the still to be cast Lady Macbeth. From Tumblr - a bit of a twist - Purv is making an impression on at least one of the posters, but not the one she thinks: "About Purv, Im thinking lately that she is actually a he, because what another woman would say about a guy that this isnt his type of woman, or he likes petit women, not this kind of woman or hes only a man with red blood who likes to sleep with several women, go to see strippers and see TandA all the time, hes normal? Nah. r513 Bloodshot, now scheduled for wide release on March 13, will be dead and gone by the summer of 2020; if early reports of its crappiness are to be believed. [R220] Agree I think there is something rather " grubby " about Heughans business activities, perhaps the fact that he is miss representing himself but mostly because of his blatant exploitation of gullible fans. Purv says so!! In return, they can donate some money to us here on DL. Nobody would have noticed his whiskey, without the Outlander fandom. Hes got a new beard. Sam seems to be a touchy/feely kind of guy, physical, fanpics and also with his co workers male and female so that arm around her shoulder means shit if you ask me. Sam Heughan Tumblr Just Make It A Double. He'll send out whatever innuendo, hints etc etc he thinks will get SH's notice and thanks, and that other attention seeker, Purv, is only too happy to help. He had an empty seat beside him. Obviously from a private place/airbnb. This could be Purv blathering on by herself, but if it is in any way even semi-orchestrated by JA, come on, guys. Didn't Ross Morell say he wasn't "that well endowed"(see previous threads) before he deleted his twitter account that is. No one has the right to infiltrate privacy and take it upon themselves to broadcast it at will. But the stalking thing is the real concern. I wonder how poster 1 would explain away his own words "Ain't nothing straight about my Bat. Shitner, Purv and Camuso will hang around often being enthusiastically less than helpful , the Bond speculation will wax and wane - watch this space, the parade of cookie-cutter gfs may continue or a more steady candidate may emerge, or (please) he may keep his private life really private and lay off the PR games. And quietly shitting herself that pics pop up. I know you want me to jump in and say a negative word or two but I think Caitriona actually looks really good. Make it more androgyn. Just popped in to F and F you vile, homophobic fat nazi gross cunts. I don't think he has , what I would call for lack of another word, star presence .at least not enough of it to make him stand out against all the younger competition . Georsam? The last thing any of you ladies want is to be engaged in a private conversation with someone who isnt who they say they are. Yeh? And superhero movies are so outdated. But Im not someone who think people look gay or ping so . {R539] The fangirls could probably buy an acre or two of the Scottish highlands for the price of a bottle ! 187 votes and 61 comments so far on Reddit reddit We shall see. Some of you have had problems finding the blog. For the past 6 years Heughans magnificent butt, naked or otherwise, has been on general display to the whole world, It's possibly been the favourite subject of millions of pause button moments.But to have any realistic chance of coming within striking distance of the famous butt in question a fan would have to shell out for VIP tickets to a least 4 or 5 cons at a conservative estimate of well over $$ 8,000 !! I wonder what's next, any predictions anyone? Anyway, just popping in to tell you a story about my private blog. May be he can reuse the bottles for parfum. ".the best dressed men this year schooled us in textural play, the art of layering, and the importance of a proper-fitting garment." Great - Jeffrey Hirsch is now the boss of Starz. Oh wait, when skiing you are wearing a lot of layers of clothes, may be that's not Gia Maria's style. Or a talent, like playing the banjo. We KNOW he already shot his scenes because he posted hints. Just occasionally there are comments here about people who have stopped watching Outlander when they found out that SH is gay. r258 Yep, you are right, creepy af. My son worked for a large TV company and he told me drugs are very readily available. Anon I also loved her yellow pants and yellow sneakers actually! Graham did not invite Cait to his wedding !!!!! Presumably he wouldn't need to inhabit a closet to do so. To challenge and set goals for yourself, however you do it, is always a worthwhile . I didnt do the thing Im about to tell you about that no one here knows anything about!. Could do him some good - broadens his range a bit and the leads are great actors. And his handfolding on the "Tonight" couch rang a bell. Indicating, one hopes, a genuine, living relationship. Imagined death threats being your thing, and all. Your comments on Tumblr read like datalounge. A public venue? 'Samday services"? He writes books, makes whiskey, participates in fitness challenges, acts on Outlander, and apparently, does a lot of his own stunts. This "man whore" image and "eye candy" poses, are what will lead to even more serious assault and abuse incidences. There would be nothing wrong with it if he were [gay], but hes not. She is a middle aged bitter troll who has it out for Sam for NO APPARENT REASON other than she is pathetic. that must be one of the other two women he's dating at the same time according to Purv. Or maybe Over The Rainbow ..Judy Garland. Like I keep saying theres no resisting TMGD. Ageing does not make him look more masculine. Pity Heughan ever got onto, or was put onto, her client list - and he pays her a hell of a lot of money to help him look stupid, although he now seems to be able to do that by himself as well. Even the suggestion in this 'poll' (a few weeks old now) that over half of its online voters thought it didn't matter if he was gay would have had Heughan's homophobic worshippers pouting if they'd seen it. No harm comes to anyone from a private blog if it remains private. r288 Well, he does like the leather uniform look. And they'll buy it. He himself is still feeding the shippers btw. He needs a dose of Cree snark. Its going to be the same as long as OL continues, although it might, just might, taper off as he moves more in to the HW scene and the huge LA celebrity pool. You can say all that on your own, you dont need some sicko catfishing you in order to do it. Objectification. New twist: SH fans openly alleging that shes a Professional with a capital P. Just plain wrong so many levels. Interesting exchange on tumblr: (sorry about all the Title Letters but a bit unclear who is saying what otherwise and italics don't seem to work in the reply posts): POSTER 1; Catholic weddings require bands [sic] to be read three weeks in a row,-no exceptions, and believe me this fandom would have jumped on that one . A few points - reiterating the sacrificing personal life bit; likes to remain anonymous; SM - first it was fun, then it became a platform, now a fine line, pulling back - trolls, some very odd people out there; SAS Red Notice excites and interests him more than Bond because it is something new (sounds like he thinks he doesn't have a real chance at Bond? [R512] You make a good point about a liquor distribution trip but surely that would be a job for an employee/salesman not for directors. I have said in the past if I feel threatened, I will take action. Something like these blogger comments below would NEVER have been posted on tumblr even a year ago, and we DLers were berated for even raising the mere possibility that Heughan was gay. Sam, pull your pants up - OK, you're shilling Under Armour briefs (on your IG too of course), but it just gets the worshippers too excited (can't believe the sighing on tumblr about his pants), but why not alternate it with sponsorship by a strong belt company? What I personally object to is the extent he would have gone to in order to cover up his sexuality because by doing so women got hurt and bullied in his name and he did nothing about it. His IG resembles that of his dates/beards. Ooops!! IF this is true, it lends weight to something I've suspected for some time - that there are some strong links there and that Camuso/Purv are being fed crumbs and innuendo and used by Starz, JA, SH to help push the hetero image. Just a small reminder, what we are talking about. My heart burst!, The greatest post in the history of Instagram!. Needed matching earrings though for the complete look. Great look, SH. He didnt have to do much at all. Whatever. Did you catch that shes also a content creator? JA needs to focus attention on fitting him out with appropriate clothing, not girl blonde of the month. They were both in Chicago during Thanksgiving, so were they together??? Probably there are no women alive, except his mom, whoever came close enough to him to witness about this. His irritation with a fans tweets may stem from the stress and emotional pressure he must be under due to lifestyle choices i.e. He could well have some sort of business connection, who knows, (after all, he showed off the briefs at the Con) but how convenient that she fits the beard profile - North American so the advantage of being offshore, heptathelete, blonde, 24. Any bets on who , if anyone, Heughan will take to the Oscars ? ( but he just moved away - gets a bit tiring having to smash stereotypes yet again). But today's news is CONFIRMATION that indeed, the public will see Sam in that role. From this platform he indicated he was going to launch other spirits, not necessarily produced by him, but of course having distilled one whisky his fanatical fans will buy anything with the Sassenach name on it and believe the great man has filled the casks himself !. If he came out as bisexual it would be completely unacceptable for the OL stans too, he might as well come out again as gay then. Some of these are probably quite genuine, but some of them seem very convenient for pushing a story. There are so many qualities that make up a human being by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant.. Sam is said to feel passionate about this product and expects it to prove very popular with MPC members who fail to do their exercises correctly ! This type of film seems more his style, and Bonneville and Keeley Hawes are great actors and he can learn a lot. R64 is also R55, our homophobic resident troll who KNOWS that Sam is GAY:). **************************************************************************************************. Well, she does check some of the boxes - American, blonde, young (24). There is even a Tbag replacement holding the door for her. Whoever is advising him re business, they are doing a good job - could be Alex. It's probably Sam who likes her just as he met her - with longer hair. Nah, that's just your cover story. Why delicious, lick able , Sassenach Chocolate, , a closely modelled , life size replica of The Magical Golden Dirk, filled with soft fondant creamcomes packaged in a 8 cm box !! A moving tale of murder, revenge and desperately late busses .no time travel but buss time tables !! Is that a more difficult sell? So healthy. Its noticeable sometimes that when some bloggers have a narrative they want to stress, repeat etc, particularly when there is a forthcoming PR event, into their in-box come anon messages on the lines of Im new to your blog and I have questionsI came across your blog and Id like to know.etc etc. They didn't mention also the MM/thong throng but the point still made. People were talking about tv shows based in Scotland and this woman from Glasgow mentioned Outlander. After all, thats what folks want the most. Fans of Outlander might be hoping against hope that Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan will get together in real life because their on-screen chemistry is really that good - but sadly, it's just . Cultists like these will NEVER accept him as gay, just NEVER!. A fine actor and delightfully camp and assume a good friend and colleague of Heughans. Not surprised about the drugs and I don't know if it was only ibuprofen at the critic awards either. Playmate gained some new horny grannies followers, gay actor Sam Heughan lost again a good portion of his dignity and reputation. Its like a cult. Moreover, the gay community is highly protective and no gay director would have talked to this supposed source about his lead actor. If I were him I'd stay away from EDA, all the fans and Peakers..or maybe he enjoys the attention. Say, since 2016. Although he has sometimes seemed uncomfortable with it, he has been highlighting himself as a stud for YEARS - seeking votes as the sexiest celebratory of the year, sexual innuendo (although Im not sure that some of his fans would know what he is talking about maybe he could sell copies of the Urban Dictionary on the side), constant liking of the firm bare arses of young women almost half his age etc. A wise blogger recently copied post 345 of this thread onto their blog and expressed their agreement with it. R46, I wouldn't, but the kind of public recognition actors sell themselves to achieve sounds nightmarish to me. r207 Condoms in Sassenach tartan colours? It's a smart move - he doesn't have to bother so much with being 'seen' with a 'gf' (without photos of course, just a lot of innuendo, or with photoshopped hands, cropped images etc) - there doesn't seem to have been a Miss September, and October is passing fast. If this is what hes like when hes himself, Im all in. I think that is one of the best trilogies ever made, he told us, and Caitriona added, Sam tries to talk about it every day if he can.STARZ, Related: Kristen Stewart Was Told to Hide Being Queer to Land a Marvel Movie, [quote]"I have fully been told, 'If you just, like, do yourself a favor, and dont go out holding your girlfriends hand in public, you might get a Marvel movie,'" Stewart told Harper's Bazaar UK. Trying to look young, cool. Heughans worn the knees of his jeans out praying he might become the next Bond. r474 sailingdude - for your viewing pleasure. Image looks to me like it's been photo shopped, especially his hand on her shoulder, the body language looks all wrong. Having that kind of power over people and using it must warp the soul. Outside of Scotland he is very little known in this country and could do with putting in some solid acting work to change that. Species : Purv - (more accurate naming M3 - Minister of Mythical Matings). I just can't see him as Bond. He's a cut above the rest. ". About time for another Omaze date contest? haha, "If Heughan were straight nobody would say boo about our discussion. The stories she posts are hilarious, how anyone think that after years of nonsense anything she writes is credible?! [R330] If he doesn't take a woman, who is girlfriend material to the occasional premier/party then the Gay rumours might go into overdrive. Can you link to that IG so others can see what were discussing? Im a book reader who read Outlander within a year of publication. Heughan does know who he is, but he is quite prepared to be what he thinks other people want him to be. Let's hope not. You have to be a homophobic stan in denial to not see his obvious gayness: Madden is glass closeting like Heughan did, initially. His major cover was finally gone and the pink elephant in the room loomed. Well actually, this mysterious (mythical?) 'He isn't paying Jennifer Allen/Viewpoint to make him look like a clown.'. Luke.Or someone from the OL cast who would have as much to lose as him if the relationship became public Either way he must be living in some kind of private hell. OL remains his bread and butter, and the OL fandom is the major market for his business activity, which has been a real success story in 2019.

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sam heughan tumblr just make it a double

sam heughan tumblr just make it a double